

abstract soccer agent class 抽象足球智能体类

This class supplies:

  • interface for the command line options 命令行选项交互界面
  • interface to handle server message 服务器消息交互
  • interface to handle timeout event 超时场景交互
  • interface to handle exit event 退出场景交互

inherit relationship

Inheritance graph


init [public]

bool init (BasicClient *client, const int argc, const char *const *argv)

initialize with command line options. 对接客户端,进行初始化

client:pointer to the client instance 客户端例化指针

initImpl [protected]

virtual bool rcsc::SoccerAgent::initImpl(CmdLineParser &cmd_parser)

init interval status using command line options 用命令行选项初始化区间状态

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